Toll Free: 1-800-668-6125
Phone: 403-209-2420
Fax: 403-209-2401
Students who are enrolled in a CPHR Alberta Accredited Program, qualify for a FREE membership with CPHR Alberta during their studies.
By becoming a CPHR Alberta Student Member you are taking the first step on your path to pursuing the CPHR designation. Students who graduate from an Accredited Program can request a transfer membership category to Associate Member, and now qualify to waive the National Knowledge Exam (NKE).
Once you have successfully waived the NKE, you will be transferred to a Candidate Member. Your last step is to acquire experience in the field of HR and complete the Experience Validation Assessment (EVA). Three years of HR experience is required for degree holders and eight years for diploma holders to submit an EVA. Upon successful approval of the EVA, Candidates in good standing with their provincial HR association are granted the CPHR designation and moved to the Chartered Membership category.
View a list of Alberta Accredited Post-Secondary Programs here.
Additional fees are required to waive the NKE and member dues annually as Associate and Candidate members. Please refer to the CPHR Alberta Registration Manual for additional guidance on becoming a CPHR.
Become an Accredited Student Member for FREE, in just five easy steps!
Please note: CPHR Alberta will verify the use of all promo codes and confirm enrolment in an Accredited Program.
Chartered Professionals in Human Resources of Alberta (CPHR Alberta)
Suite 320, 105 - 12 Ave SE
Calgary, Alberta Canada T2G 1A1
tf. 1-800-668-6125 p. 403-209-2420