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Protecting the Public

CPHR Alberta is governed by the Societies Act of Alberta and the bylaws of the organization.

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Protecting the Public

CPHR Alberta is governed by the Societies Act of Alberta and the bylaws of the organization.

The role of CPHR Alberta is to protect the public by ensuring that Chartered Professionals in Human Resources (CPHRs) and members of the Association, in general, adhere to a prescribed set of professional principles and rules regarding the practice of the human resources profession. The public has a legitimate and real interest in knowing that the members of a professional association are properly trained and adhere to the highest ethical standards.

CPHR Alberta strengthens and promotes the human resources profession by:


Determining entrance requirements for members and managing registration of members based on professional standards


Ensuring only qualified and reputable human resources practitioners are designated as CPHRs


Ensuring chartered members have met and continue to maintain the national standards for the CPHR designation


Establishing and maintaining standards of professional conduct for CPHRs through the Code of Ethics


Investigating and adjudicating complaints of unprofessional or unethical conduct by members in a fair, transparent and efficient manner; and administering a disciplinary process that sanctions members for breaches of the code of conduct and standards of practice. Learn how to file a complaint here.


Asking new members upon joining and existing CPHR Alberta members each year at dues renewal to confirm their continuing good character over the previous 12 months by submitting a Good Character Attestation


Providing a variety of continuing professional development opportunities that allow members to stay current with emerging trends and expand their knowledge in new areas of human resources

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