Toll Free: 1-800-668-6125
Phone: 403-209-2420
Fax: 403-209-2401
Work-Integrated Learning is a form of curricular experiential education that formally integrates a student's academic studies with quality experiences within a workplace or practice setting.
What is Work Integrated Learning?
Work-Integrated Learning is a form of curricular experiential education that formally integrates a student's academic studies with quality experiences within a workplace or practice setting.
In Alberta examples of Work-Integrated Learning offered at local PSI's include: Practicum, Clinical, Field Placement, Co-op, Applied Research, Service Learning, Internship, Work Experience, Entrepreneurship and Apprenticeship Style.
The Government of Alberta’s Alberta 2030: Building Skills for Jobs initiative has six (6) primary objectives. One of the key objectives is Develop Skills for Jobs. There are two (2) of the key milestones that CPHR Alberta can work with it’s post-secondary partners to support. The first is, having each post-secondary institution (PSI) offer every undergraduate student access to a work-integrated learning opportunity and the second which is to develop employer, industry, and post-secondary partnerships to reduce the existing skills gaps.
As a partner and support to the Human Resources programs across the province, CPHR Alberta is a member of many of the PSI HR program advisory committees, where we are also joined by many of our CPHR members. These partnerships bring great value, support, and opportunities to our members. As an association, our role around these tables is to continue to find was to support the institutions and leaders in education who are preparing the future HR leaders in Alberta while representing the standards of those leading and shaping the industry today.
As an association we work to gain understanding on the challenges PSIs are facing in this space and how the association can best support them. We do this through holding roundtables and panels with faculty, staff, the Advance Education department and students to help us gain more understanding from a variety of perspectives. We are now working hard to engage our membership and industry at large to create a rich and sustainable network for WIL in HR, you can find all of these initiatives here; WIL Quarterly issues, WIL Resources, WIL Events, and Post-Secondary WIL Programs Contacts.
WIL Quarterly Issues
Work Integrated Learning can be supported by the Association in a variety of ways and one of them is ensuring we have a platform that can regularly support the topics, challenges, and opportunities in WIL.
In aid of those efforts we introduced WIL Quarterly! Full of resources, ways to engage and connect to PSIs, and information that can benefit you and your organization.
If you are interested in learning more and connecting with us or contributing to an issue, please send us an email at You can find all our latest issues below.
WIL Quarterly 2024 Issues:
WIL Quarterly 2023 Issues:
*If you need excerpts on these issues, please let us know
WIL Resources
As part of role to support our members new and well versed in WIL, we have identified tools and resources from partners and collaborators to help our members successfully engage in WIL within their own organizations. A full list of these tools and resources can be found below.
We will continue to add to this list as we discover more!
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Upcoming Events
Messy Middle: How Business + Higher Education are Getting Hard Things Done in Canada.
When: February 12, 2025
Time: 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. with networking luncheon and evening reception
Location: Globe and Mail Centre, Toronto
BHER is taking a different approach to the productivity debate in Canada. We’re zeroing in on success stories. We’re interested in the Messy Middle: How Business + Higher Education are Getting Hard Things Done in Canada. We think that by exploring examples of how post-secondaries and companies tackled and navigated big challenges, not just talking about the end results, we’ll gain insights into the “secret sauce,” i.e. the people, skills, processes, and conditions required to solve Canada’s broader productivity issues.
Post-Secondary WIL Program Contacts
CPHR Alberta promotes the value of Co-operative Programs, and we encourage our members and partners to consider a co-op placement position in their workplace. CPHR Alberta has partnered with multiple schools across Alberta to provide comprehensive co-op programs for post-secondary students interested in or already studying human resources. View the programs and contacts below.
Chartered Professionals in Human Resources of Alberta (CPHR Alberta)
Suite 320, 105 - 12 Ave SE
Calgary, Alberta Canada T2G 1A1
tf. 1-800-668-6125 p. 403-209-2420