Toll Free: 1-800-668-6125
Phone: 403-209-2420
Fax: 403-209-2401
Partner with us today!
CPHR Alberta is proud to partner with the following organizations. Their continued support for the association and the CPHR designation provides us with the opportunity to better serve our members. Thank you to all of our partners!
Want to partner with CPHR Alberta?
CPHR Alberta partners with various organizations to provide value to our members through goods, services, and resources. CPHR Alberta is proud to partner with the following organizations. Their continued support for the association and the CPHR designation provides us with the opportunity to better serve our members.
Thank you to all of our Industry Partners!
CPHR Alberta has partnerships with organizations and associations that offer relevant professional development and online learning opportunities at special rates for CPHR Alberta members. These partnerships provide an array of learning opportunities that identify relevant HR trends of our members across Alberta, the Northwest Territories, and Nunavut.
Thank you to all of our PD Partners!
CPHR Alberta offers organizations a variety of opportunities to reach our 6,900 members, and one of those ways is to partner with us.
Align your brand with Alberta's most vital HR voice. Let us help you identify superior opportunities to showcase your expertise and unique offerings.
Disclaimer: CPHR Alberta will preference Alberta-based partnerships and further preference to partnerships with CPHR Alberta members.
Chartered Professionals in Human Resources of Alberta (CPHR Alberta)
Suite 320, 105 - 12 Ave SE
Calgary, Alberta Canada T2G 1A1
tf. 1-800-668-6125 p. 403-209-2420