Toll Free: 1-800-668-6125
Phone: 403-209-2420
Fax: 403-209-2401
CPHR Alberta offers a wide range of events for our members and the HR community to support your professional goals.
CPHR Alberta offers a wide range of events for our members and the HR community to support your professional goals.
Featured monthly on our calendar are webinars, networking, full and half-day sessions and multi-day certificates.
Members can register for complimentary or paid events through their member portal to fulfill their CPD requirements. Non-members can register by setting up a profile in our member portal.
If you have a professional development opportunity that is valuable to CPHR Alberta Members, consider applying for CPD pre-approval. Learn more about why CPD approval is a benefit and how to apply here.
Chartered Professionals in Human Resources of Alberta (CPHR Alberta)
Suite 320, 105 - 12 Ave SE
Calgary, Alberta Canada T2G 1A1
tf. 1-800-668-6125 p. 403-209-2420