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Fax: 403-209-2401
If you are moving to Alberta and hold a Chartered Professional in Human Resources (CPHR) designation in the jurisdiction you are departing then you must apply for the recognition of your status in Alberta.
If you are moving to Alberta and hold a Chartered Professional in Human Resources (CPHR) designation in the jurisdiction you are departing then you must apply for the recognition of your status in Alberta. Persons holding the CPHR designation or Candidate status that move into the province of Alberta must apply for membership online and request to have their CPHR designation or Candidate status transferred from their former provincial association.
To approve Transfer-Ins for membership, CPHR Alberta must receive a Confirmation of Good Standing form from the HR provincial association from which an applicant is moving. This form will confirm the status of the Member, note whether they are in good standing and will note:
Candidates and Chartered members who do not meet the Alberta requirements at the time of their designation may not be recognized at the same level of membership in Alberta. To be recognized as a Candidate, a member must have written or waived the NKE (or a recognized equivalent) within the last ten years and maintained membership with their appropriate provincial association. To be recognized as a Chartered member, a member must have passed the NKE and the Experience Validation Assessment (or NPPA).
CPHRs or Candidates who want to move from CPHR Alberta to another CPHR Canada Member province must be a Member in good standing with CPHR Alberta in order to have their designation recognized in the other province. This means Members are up to date with membership fees and have no violations against them.
Please note Ontario is not a CPHR Canada Member province and you must contact the Human Resources Professional Association (HRPA) directly regarding the transferability of your status to their organization.
Members are responsible for obtaining membership in the new association as provincial membership is not transferable.
This Mutual Recognition Agreement, offers chartered members the opportunity to earn the Chartered MCIPD credential. To do so you need to provide proof of your Chartered Member status (your current year membership renewal receipt of payment will work!), and a current curriculum vitae to CIPD. Once you become a member of CIPD you will be awarded the equivalent membership grade of Chartered MCIPD, provided your level of experience is deemed appropriate.
*Please note that this process may take between 6 and 8 weeks, your patience is appreciated.
To start the process visit
CIPD webpage and complete their member application form. Additional information on CIPD Membership Fees can be found
As an added bonus as part of the mutual recognition, CPHR Canada members get access to CIPDs eLearning platforms at a 15% discount. Members can access the learning platform and promocode through their member portal, under Resources, Partner Perks.
CPHR members have the opportunity to earn the SHRM-CP or SHRM-SCP credential through the completion of SHRM’s Certification Pathway.
The SHRM Certification Pathway is a series of steps eligible participants complete to obtain a SHRM credential. The core of the process is an online tutorial that provides an overview of the SHRM Compete Model and explores how the competency model supports your professional development.
The SHRM Certification Pathway will be offered to current CPHR credential holders who:
Applicants who complete the above process and have a minimum of 3 years of professional HR experience will receive the SHRM-CP credential.
Applicants who complete the above process and have a minimum of 6 years professional HR experience will receive the SHRM-SCP credential.
To take advantage of this opportunity please complete the SHRM Pathway Application.
Once your completed application is received and verified, you will be sent an email containing a link to the SHRM Certification Pathway Tutorial.
To Register - Applicants who have met all eligibility requirements to register with SHRM must:
Questions? Contact
The Chartered Institute of Personnel Management (CIPM) Nigeria and The Chartered Professionals in Human Resources Canada (CPHR Canada), have entered into a Memorandum of Understanding & Mutual Recognition Agreement to foster on-going collaboration and cooperation between these two organizations dedicated to the advancement of the human resources profession.
CIPM Nigeria and CPHR Canada will collaborate on mutual certification to recognize each organization’s certification programs (CPHR and MCIPM or FCIPM).
CPHRs can contact CIPM Nigeria for more information about the process for recognition.
Chartered Professionals in Human Resources of Alberta (CPHR Alberta)
Suite 320, 105 - 12 Ave SE
Calgary, Alberta Canada T2G 1A1
tf. 1-800-668-6125 p. 403-209-2420