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Resources for HR Professionals

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The CPHR Canada HR Toolkit is available to members through CPHR Canada’s partnership with Thomson Reuters Canada, a leading source of intelligent information for businesses and professionals. Visit your Member Portal to access the toolkit.



Harassment in the Workplace Toolkit

A healthy and inclusive workplace is one where all employees, regardless of position, are treated with fairness, respect, and equality. Additionally, employees have the right to both physical and psychological safety at work.

The materials in this toolkit have been developed through a partnership between CPHR Alberta and AccessHR Inc. with support provided by the Human Rights Education and Multiculturalism Fund. 

  1. Assigning an Investigator - a decision-making process
  2. Standard Internal Investigation Process Diagram
  3. Creating a Respectful Workplace Policy – A Guide
  4. Investigation Confidentiality Forms
  5. Respectful Workplace Training Deck – Managers Non-Union
  6. Respectful Workplace Training Deck – Managers Unionized
  7. Respectful Workplace Training Deck – Employees Non-Union
  8. Respectful Workplace Training Deck – Employees Unionized

Note: This toolkit does not contain legal advice or opinions. It is recommended that you customize each tool specifically for the use and culture of your organization and that you obtain legal advice based on your specific needs.

Should support with the materials be required, please contact AccessHR at www.accesshrinc.com.

The following additional resources are available to CPHR Alberta members only, and can be accessed through your member portal.

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