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My Mentorship Story - Protege
By Seun A.
I landed in Canada in March of 2019. I had worked over 10 years in Human Resources and left a senior role in HR to move here.
My first full time HR role started in August 2020 and I quickly realized that while I had broad experience in human resources, I would need to learn how things are done in Canada as there were marked differences between what I knew and what I was now working with.
I started my CPHR certification journey almost immediately which is where I learned about the mentorship program. I signed up because as I mentioned earlier, I realized I would need practical guidance if I were to succeed. I was matched with my mentor - Laura following my second application and we agreed to meet once a month.
Laura became my mentor, sounding board and personal think tank. I could go to her with issues I faced at work and she would help me think through them. She gave me resources and learning materials that helped me navigate the world of HR in Canada. We soon began meeting once a week as opposed to the initial once a month.
Mentoring with her has really helped me grow personally and in my career. She helped me see things from different perspectives and taught me to think of innovative solutions. At the end of the initial 6-month internship period, we agreed to continue our conversations because it was beneficial. Laura and I still talk weekly whenever we have the time.
I cannot recommend the mentorship program enough for anyone who is starting a career in HR or trying to navigate a new position. It is highly beneficial to have a sounding board and someone who helps you think things through without necessarily telling you what to do. This is what I gained from the mentorship program. Despite how much I have learned from the program, it is interesting to note that I have never met Laura face to face.
My Mentorship Story – Mentor
By Lauren Hofbauer - CPHR Alberta Mentorship Committee Member
I recently became involved as a mentor through CPHR Alberta, though I have been a mentor to students for 2+ years now through my University alumni group. I enjoy CPHR Alberta’s mentorship program because I can connect with up-and-coming HR professionals and provide them with career advice. This is something I wish I had when I was starting my career. As someone who has “been there” and “gets it”, I love that I’m able to give back and provide support.
I think anyone who can tell stories through their own lived experience can be a mentor. I don’t think you need to be a CEO or have a fancy title to be an effective mentor - you’ll never know everything anyways, because nobody does! I believe that the most important thing a mentor can show a protégé is that learning is a lifelong journey, and that there’s an invaluable knowledge share when connecting with someone one-on-one.
Here are a few things I love about being a mentor with CPHR Alberta:
If you’re interested in becoming a mentor, I recommend you go for it! You’ll feel rewarded from helping others, grow your network, and learn different perspectives. CPHR Alberta provides a variety of different resources to support mentor/mentee relationships, and I couldn’t be more thrilled to volunteer with such a great organization.
The views and opinions expressed in this blog post belong solely to the original author(s) and do not necessarily represent the views and opinions of CPHR Alberta.
Chartered Professionals in Human Resources of Alberta (CPHR Alberta)
Suite 320, 105 - 12 Ave SE
Calgary, Alberta Canada T2G 1A1
tf. 1-800-668-6125 p. 403-209-2420