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Authors : Bentley Hamm and Rachael Lusk
It is fair to say that most professionals have a good working knowledge of LinkedIn (LI). If you do not, it is in all probability something you have identified as a tool that you would like to learn more about for purposes of expanding your professional reach. Or you may be someone entirely new to LI (yes some of you still exist), however you too have acknowledged that you would like to learn more about this amazing social networking tool.
Regardless of whether you are a novice, intermediate, or an expert, most professionals agree that LI is an incredible digital platform. This knowledge comes with the added awareness that with some practical and well-intentioned strategies the end user can harness the powers of LI to effectively optimize their LI profile.
Two Distinct Yet Related Applications of LinkedIn
My co-author and Subject Matter Expert (SME) on all things LI, Bentley Hamm, CMO and Chief Strategist of Hammerhead Business Solutions (HBS) and I will present two applications for LI as it relates to the optimization of profiles for the Human Resources (HR) Professional. Both concepts centre around brand optimization with the key differentiator being the respective areas of focus.
First, company brand positioning. In this scenario the HR practitioner strives to support their client/company as an employer of choice on LI by highlighting key differentiators including, however not limited to, company/client mission, purposes, ethics, and community outreach. All of these elements work together to drive the client/organization’s unique culture, a significant component in effective organizational branding. The end goal is the strategic and directed leveraging of organizational talent management strategies.
Second, build your personal brand, by positioning yourself as a “thought leader” in your chosen field(s) of HR. In this regard HR Practitioners build momentum around their own personal and unique brands whether they are currently employed or are serving as talented professionals in transition. You never know when the tides of business will shift, and you may be left on the outside looking in wishing you had built yourself into the position of SME/thought leader to leverage in your time of need. This application of LI also applies to emerging and evolving HR Consultants/Contractors/Fractional Professionals.
Not Your Run of the Mill Social Media Tool
One of the basic principles that can be lost in the milieu of information available concerning LI is that it is not a regular social media tool. In fact, it is a professional networking tool that can be leveraged to further your professional and/or business reach through creating content, direct messaging (DM’s), and most importantly - relationship network building with fellow professionals you may not otherwise have contact with. The end goal of these activities is not to only self-promote, but rather, and this may be a bit of a surprise to some, to gain an increased understanding of others. This is a platform that truly adopts the adage that topics are geared more toward the end user than yourself. And by employing this strategy you invariably create visibility for yourself.
To fully implement this strategy, it begins with an understanding of how to best leverage your profile to emphasize what is valuable to others and then how to best disseminate this information through LI. In this regard, some poignant questions that several authors, including Bentley, have employed on the generation of content are as follows.
Keyword Application
Once appropriate content is determined, industry specific keywords should be employed to improve your profile results in searches. This culminates in a profile that is viewed as increasingly professional because of this emphasis on the application of industry specific language, thereby driving LI Profile Optimization. Ever-increasing LI optimization results in greater potential for visibility in searches made by others. The end goal of increased profile optimization, as agreed upon by Bentley and other like minded experts, is increased exposure.
LinkedIn is the 14th (at the time of writing) most visited website in the world. Resulting in the various search engines view LI as one of the leading authorities in algorithm ranking value. The importance of this ranking value for a user with a well optimized LI profile is significant. Searches for industry specific information will in all probability have your profile listed in the search results, garnering you professional credibility nearly impossible to reach on your own.
The LI Algorithm is'' drawn” to profiles that it views as complete. A perk of this increased digital presence is that you draw in a greater number of professional networking opportunities. As an outcome of this, professionals like yourself want to partner with you because they readily and clearly understand your skills, gifts, and talents and how they can benefit from further collaboration with you.
Content Generation
Now that we have identified the importance of a solid profile on LI because it is deemed complete by the algorithm with the inclusion of industry specific terms, we need to expand our reach further. This is accomplished by delving in to further content creation for use within the context of the LI user’s profile. Let’s review now some of the key elements to include in a LI profile. This discussion is relevant whether you are completing this exercise for your professional reputation, or the company you represent.
In each of the areas addressed under content the main goal is to continue to ensure the inclusion of keywords. This ensures we can effectively leverage the LI algorithm for purposes of maximum exposure. It is fair to say that entire courses and books are written on the subject of LI content, however we will attempt to briefly describe the most relevant areas here.
* Source: LinkedIn - 73% of business decision makers will research you in the evening and early morning hours.
Bentley’s advice: Your LI profile is a representative of your professional self when you are being researched in those hours. When optimizing your profile, ask yourself this question, “If I were researching myself, is this a professional I would network with, hire, or buy services from?”
Your Profile Photo and Banner
Respectfully this is not the place to depict to your audience your diligent efforts at the gym. Instead use a high quality, professional photo whether of yourself or a key person or aspect of the company/client you are representing. Incorporate a non-distracting background in your profile photo that presents you with a professional image for yourself or your employer/client.
The LinkedIn Background Photo, AKA “Banner” is one the most important pieces of real estate on your profile. When people view your profile, this is the very first thing they see. Your banner is your split second opportunity to create curiosity for the viewer to want to know more. The text should speak directly to the person or potential client whose attention you are trying to attract and make them want to know more about you.
Headline and Summary
Arguably this may be one of the most critical elements of your profile. Consider it your “elevator” pitch. It is your “opening line” at what is really a 24/7-365 virtual networking event. It captures what you do in a clear and concise manner. There is some room for elaboration in the summary proceeding the headline but again like the headline the summary should be concise yet impactful.
Experience and Skills
Treat this section as a walking, talking brochure of your company/client’s assets or more specifically organizational culture. What makes them amazing and why someone would want to join the team of professionals you are representing on behalf of your employer/client.
In the case of the individual, treat this section as a walking, talking resume, listing your experiences in chronological order. Ensure you also reference your soft skills (e.g., communication and collaboration, etc.) as well as hard skills (e.g., compensation design, project management, HRIS, etc.). For example, you may be the best HRIS Analyst in the world. However, without the focus on soft skills, such as teamwork and conflict management, which may be deemed critical to success in a role such as this your profile could potentially be overlooked.
Testimonials and Recommendations
This cannot be underestimated. We tend to be drawn to people, places, and things that others find desirable. This can be effectively communicated in this section by others. If you work on a project with someone or if your client has supported an incredible initiative, get people to talk about it and comment on it. And heck there are absolutely no judgments here by both Bentley and Rachael if you decide to write it and then upon receiving approval from your source post this detail on behalf of the individual or organization.
Misc. Relevant Groups, Customized URL, and
As mentioned, there is so much to be said on creating amazing content with the end goal of truly leveraging the power of the algorithm of this very powerful professional social networking tool. Considering the space here, though, we will cap our discussion with honorable mentions on several additional LI sections that could be whole articles in and of themselves.
One, ensure you join relevant groups to add greater credibility for yourself and attract more viewers to your profile. As an added benefit the more you comment and post content in the groups you have joined the greater your visibility and subsequent visits to your profile for yourself or the client/company you represent.
Two, wherever possible do not use the URL code automatically generated by LI. Instead customize your URL so it includes your name and/or other distinguishing features.
Next Steps
If you would like to learn more about LI and other Social Media Tools geared towards profile Optimization for Business and Personal there are many courses as well as great supporting articles and research on the subject.
The one challenge is that it of course can be overwhelming due to the volume of materials available. Sometimes it is helpful to have an expert lend a helping hand.
If this is something you would like to learn more about, please feel free to register for one of Bentley’s FREE LinkedIn webinars today
Bentley Hamm
Rachael Lusk
Chartered Professionals in Human Resources of Alberta (CPHR Alberta)
Suite 320, 105 - 12 Ave SE
Calgary, Alberta Canada T2G 1A1
tf. 1-800-668-6125 p. 403-209-2420