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National Knowledge Exam

The NKE assesses your understanding of the CPHR Competency Framework. 

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CPHR DESIGNATION: National Knowledge Exam (NKE)

What is the National Knowledge Exam?

  1. The NKE assesses your understanding of the CPHR Competency Framework. The framework outlines 9 Human Resources Specific competency areas and 12 General Competency areas that CPHRs must comprehend.

  2. The exam assesses an individual’s understanding of the CPHR competencies as they relate to academic knowledge. Academic knowledge refers to basic facts, policies, practices, methods, legislation, etc. It is information that can be written into procedures and transferred during the learning process.

  3. 90% of the NKE is based on the 9 Human Resources Competencies and 10% is based on the General Competencies.

  4. The NKE is comprised of 150 multiple choice questions, and you’re given 3 hours and 15 minutes to write it.

I Want to Write the NKE

  1. First, you need to be an Associate Member of CPHR Alberta. Your application has to be submitted four weeks prior to the exam registration deadline (listed below). We ask for your application four weeks prior to the NKE registration deadline to ensure the CPHR Alberta team has ample time to review it. Learn more about becoming an Associate Member, or, contact us.
  2. If you’re applying for Associate Membership with CPHR Alberta, make sure your transcripts or IQAS/WES assessment has been received by our team prior to the NKE registration deadline. Please note, only official copies are accepted and must come directly from your post-secondary institution or IQAS/WES to CPHR Alberta.
  3. To be eligible for an Associate membership, you must have a two-year diploma or degree in human resources. If you have a non-HR diploma or degree, you must complete the coursework requirement to be eligible for an Associate membership and registering for the NKE.
  4. Please ensure the name you use to register your CPHR Alberta Membership and the NKE matches your government issued photo ID.

Did You Graduate from a CPHR Canada Accredited Program?

Associate Members who graduated from a CPHR Canada accredited post-secondary education program can apply to waive the NKE. Fill out a waiver form and submit it through your member profile by clicking on the "Submit NKE Waiver Application" link. 

When is the NKE?

Upcoming Exam Dates: November 6, 2025

Registration Deadlines: September 12, 2025

NKE Writer Handbook 2025

NKE Accommodation Requests

Please read through the NKE Accommodations Handbook for Writers

  1. The deadline for accommodation requests for the NKE is the registration deadline for each exam. Requests submitted after the registration deadline will not be accepted. 
  2. If you have been approved for an accommodation and then defer your examination at a later date, you must re-submit an accommodation request. 
  3. The NKE will only be offered as an online proctored writing option. To write in-person at a test centre, writers must request this as an “accommodation”.

Registering for the NKE

  1. Login to your Member Profile
  2. Select 'NKE - Exam and Waiver Application'
  3. Follow prompts to register for NKE

Where Can I Write the NKE?

The NKE is held in most major cities in Alberta:

  • Calgary
  • Edmonton
  • Fort McMurray
  • Grande Prairie
  • Lethbridge
  • Medicine Hat
  • Red Deer

How Much Does the NKE Cost?

  1. National Knowledge Exam ® Fee - $550
  2. Examination Deferral Fee - $200
  3. National Knowledge Exam Waiver Fee - $375

These prices are subject to 5% GST

How Can I Prepare for the NKE?

The goal of preparation courses is to equip NKE writers with the theoretical knowledge and test-taking strategies needed to effectively write the National Knowledge Exam®.

The following resource is available to assist you with preparing for the NKE:

What Happens After I Write the NKE?

  1. You find out if you passed the NKE within 8 weeks of writing. If you pass the NKE you become a CPHR Candidate! Your next step is to complete the Experience Validation Assessment (EVA). The EVA demonstrates you also have practical human resources experience to be a CPHR.
  2. You can write the NKE up to four times. If you aren’t successful with the NKE the first three times, you’re required to take a one-year break until you write it again for the final time.

More Information on the NKE

  1. How the NKE is scored
  2. Review CPHR Alberta's exam policy for information on deferrals, cancellations and limited attempts
  3. NKE FAQs (see below)
  4. NKE Results (see below)
  5. Practice Exam
  6. Textbook Resource List 

What to know about the NKE

  • Results are released about 8 weeks after each exam session
  • Exam providers return results to CPHR Canada
  • CPHR Canada forwards results to provincial associations
  • CPHR Alberta will notify you of your results
  • How is the NKE scored?

Analysis of NKE Results

NKE Exam Nov, 2024 Nov. 2023 June 2023 Nov. 2022 Nov. 2021 May 2021 Oct. 2020 June 2020
Total Writers 90 43 44 33 57 55 213 119
Alberta Pass Rate 73% 70% 73% 72% 58% 69% 63% 68%
National Pass Rate 72% 69% 77% 38% 67% 71% 63% 70%
Highest Score 748 664 690 705 698 768 726 86
Alberta Average Score 550 537 540 537 535 546 532 26


Zxynah Santiago

Professional Standards Assistant

1.800.668.6125 ext. 114


  • Do I need to be a member of CPHR Alberta to write the National Knowledge Exam?

    National Knowledge Exam®(NKE) candidates must be members of their provincial association and register with the association to write the exam. In Alberta, only Associate members are eligible to write the NKE.

  • What is the CPHR National Knowledge Exam® format?

    The exam consists of 150 multiple-choice questions, based on knowledge of the nine Functional Dimensions of the CPHR Competency Framework. The exam is delivered through computer-based testing (CBT).

  • How long do I have to complete the registration process?

    Exam candidates have 10 years from the time they pass/waive the NKE to the time they successfully complete the Experience Validation Assessment. Candidates and CPHRs must keep their membership active (in good standing) with their provincial HR association in order to keep their Candidate status or CHPR active.

  • What is the cost of the exam?

    The exam fee is $550 + GST.

  • When are the NKE exams held?

    Exams are held in the Fall of each year. Please refer to the NKE schedule for specific dates.

  • Is there a deadline to register for the exam?

    Exam registrants must register for the NKE at least two months in advance. Please refer to the NKE schedule for specific dates. 

  • Can I defer writing the exam?

    Yes, you may defer writing the exam by submitting an exam schedule change through your member profile. Please refer to the Exam Policies for information regarding deferral fees, deadlines and maximum allowances.

  • What if I do not show up on the day of the exam, will I be refunded my exam fee?

    If you do not attend on the day of the exam, your score will be marked as a fail and you forfeit your exam fee.

  • What is the cut-score (passing score) for the National Knowledge Exams?

    Scaled scoring is used to score the exams. A scaled score of 500 is the passing grade for the NKE.   

  • Do I need photo ID to write the NKE?

    Yes, you must have government issued photo ID when writing the exam. Please note that you must register with CPHR Alberta and the exam under your legal name, as it appears on your photo ID. Do not register under a name or variation of your name, excluding middle names, that differs from your name as it appears on your photo ID.

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