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Help set the direction for your association on the CPHR Alberta Board of Directors.
From self-regulation and the future of our designation to relationships with other provincial HR associations to the sustainability of CPHR Alberta itself, the Board of Directors is the governing voice of CPHR Alberta. Our volunteer Directors share their time and talent to represent the interests of fellow CPHR Alberta members and stakeholders.
Board volunteers provide oversight and guidance in a number of key areas. In 2024, the Board, alongside CPHR Alberta operations, continued delivering on the association's priorities that were developed in the 2020 strategic plan.
To continue this positive momentum, we are seeking two (2) Chartered Members of CPHR Alberta that have, or are willing to make, connections in the community that will assist the Board's linkage to stakeholders, and up to two (2) public members with specific expertise noted below.
To complement the existing Board of Directors, we are specifically looking for candidates that are board ready and have experience and/or expertise in the following areas:
We highly value diversity and support the election and appointment of diverse candidates to the Board. The Board believes that having directors of diverse gender, race and ethnicity, along with varied skills, perspectives and experiences, contributes to a balanced and effective Board – one that is well-positioned to address the changing needs of the organization and our membership.
Ensuring the CPHR Alberta Board of Directors has the skills and experience to guide the association is a priority. For 2024 / 2025 Board applications and elections will follow the following processes below for Chartered Members:
Election results will be presented to the Membership during the Annual General Meeting on May 9, 2025.
Shape the future of CPHR Alberta.
For Chartered members - Start your application today.
For Public members – contact Heather McMaster at for the application package and checklist.
Questions about the CPHR Alberta Board of Directors nominations?
Email Geordie MacPherson, Board Chair, at
The views and opinions expressed in this blog post belong solely to the original author(s) and do not necessarily represent the views and opinions of CPHR Alberta.
Chartered Professionals in Human Resources of Alberta (CPHR Alberta)
Suite 320, 105 - 12 Ave SE
Calgary, Alberta Canada T2G 1A1
tf. 1-800-668-6125 p. 403-209-2420